Greetings. Over the years I have been asked for copies of homilies I have given ("homily" is term used for a sermon that is based on the Scripture readings assigned for a given day). So I began recording my homilies on tape and making copies for those who were interested. For a retirement gift my children gave me a web site on which to post some of these homilies. As a gift to the larger community, I share these audio recordings with anyone who is interested. The Sunday Scripture readings are from the Roman Lectionary, but many Christian traditions other than Roman Catholic have similar readings on the same Sunday.

Hopefully these homilies will help you enter more deeply into the richness of the word of God. The Readings are from the New American Bible. Click below to find readings for Sundays.


Deacon Michael McElwee

Monday, December 23, 2013

Baptism of the Lord

Homily, Baptism of the Lord, Cycle A